10 reasons to work with a Learning Support Specialist.
The statistics around the likelihood of apprentice learners with learning difficulties and disabilities (LDDs) to disclose their condition makes for rather grim reading.
Just 10.4% of apprentices declare themselves as having a learning difficulty or disability, a stark statistic when compared to the estimated 19% of working age adults who have an LDD. Apprentices may feel unable or unwilling to disclose their LDD, and there may be a myriad reasons.
A Learning Support Specialist works directly with apprentice learners, cooperating with training providers to create an environment of inclusivity and open-ness, helping to dispel stigma and also helping providers meet their requirements under the Equality Act 2010.
Here are 10 reasons why enlisting the help of a learning support specialist, such as Amano, is a smart choice.
1. Experienced, specialist one-to-one support for apprentices with a range of learning difficulties and/or disabilities
A Learning Support Specialist will work with your apprentice on a personalised, one-to-one basis. They will have extensive experience working with individuals with a wide range of LDD conditions including:
- Diagnosed disability or long-term illness
- Mental health condition
- Specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia
- Autistic spectrum conditions
2. Improved apprentice attendance, retention and completion
Offering one-to-one support from the beginning goes a long way to removing the stigma of disclosure, leaving apprentice learners with LDDs, including mental health conditions, free to disclose their condition from the start.
When support is implemented accountability is also increased, motivating the individual to succeed and reducing the likelihood of them dropping out of their learning programme.
3. Improved productivity in the workplace
With the right support comes increased productivity. By supporting apprentice learners with LDDs from the start, their ability to work independently improves, they feel more motivated and productivity levels potentially rise in tandem.
4. Apprentices are better prepared for their End Point Assessment
A Learning Support Specialist will monitor your apprentice learner’s progress throughout their apprenticeship. Identifying progress made and areas where additional support may be needed maintains momentum and leaves them better prepared for their End Point Assessment.
5. Helps to meet equality and diversity objectives
By supporting apprentices with learning difficulties and disabilities, training providers and employers are creating an inclusive, open environment for all individuals to thrive. Ofsted may give this area particular attention.
6. Guidance on access to funding for excess and exceptional learning support
Amano Apprentice Support can provide expert advice on how to access funds available for excess and exceptional learning support, via the monthly Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS) and Exceptional Learning Support Form.
7. Helps to meet OFSTED requirements by providing complete monitoring of the learner journey; an individual Learning Support Plan, progress reports, and outcome measures
Apprentice learners with LDDs will be allocated a Support Consultant who will work with them to develop an Individualised Learning and Support Plan. By monitoring your apprentice’s progress and supporting them through their learning and support plan, employers and training providers are better equipped to meet the requirements implemented by OFSTED.
8. Seamless link with Amano Access to Work provision for a holistic approach if support is also required in the workplace
Your Learning Support Specialist can provide a direct link to Amano’s Access to Work provision should this be required.
9. Helps to deliver an inclusive and diverse workforce for employers
The strength of any workforce is grounded in each individual feeling supported and valued. By creating an environment of inclusivity and openness, employers pave the way for a diverse workforce, which includes those individuals with LDDs.
10. A fully funded approach to learning support provision via the Education Skills and Funding Agency (ESFA)
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) provides the funding necessary to provide apprentices with LDDs with the learning support they need to succeed. Amano can explain how to claim this support.
Contact one of our friendly team today and discuss how we can help your apprentices succeed in their learning and continue on to successful careers.
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