New student:
Getting started with your support

How Amano NMH support
can help you:

Frequently Asked Questions
please skip to our contact form below to get in touch with a member of our team who will be happy to help.
What is a Needs Assessment Report?
Your Needs Assessment Report (NAR) is the document you received following your Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) assessment as part of your DSA application process.
This is typically a large PDF document that will detail the disability / disabilities which you gave when you applied for DSA, and the recommended support to be put in place. This may have been called a Study Assessment, a DSA Report, or a TNA. These documents are often password protected, if they are please send us the password alongside the document.
I’ve just been awarded a DSA2 letter, what do I do now?
Once you have had your needs assessment you will be awarded a DSA 2 letter which will list us as your support provider. Please email us at the above address with the following:
- A copy of your DSA2 letter of entitlement.
- Your needs assessment report
- A contact number.
One of our team will then create your support schedule and discuss next steps with you.
What does ‘non-medical help’ mean?
Non-medical help is the umbrella term for the support provided to disabled students by non-medical bodies. We cannot offer medical help or advice or provide you with any equipment your DSA may have awarded you. Some of the support we provide includes:
- Specialist one-to-one study skills support.
- Specialist mentors.
- Assistive technology training.
- Notetaking for lectures and seminars.
- Study assistance for workshops / practical work.
I’ve changed my contact details. Do I need to tell you?
Yes, please keep us informed of any changes to your email or phone number. Please be aware, we do not keep a record of your term-time address and you do not need to inform us if this changes.
My relative / guardian would like to be involved in arranging support, is this allowed?
We understand that arranging these sessions can become overwhelming, and that you may need additional support from a family member, friend or guardian. If this is something you would like to arrange, please send an email from your personal address saying ‘I give consent to share my information with…’ and add the name, email and contact number of the individual who will be helping you arrange your support.
I don’t want you to call me, why do you need my number?
We ask for a contact number as per our safeguarding and data protection policies. If you do not want us to call or text please let us know and we can make a note on our system.
I need more hours than I’ve been given, what do I do?
If you feel the hours awarded as part of your DSA are not enough, please go back to your needs assessment centre / funding body to discuss this further. If your funding comes from your university or education provider, you could approach the disability team to see if they can provide interim support – please note this is not always available.
I’ve been awarded a Specialist Study Skills tutor / Specialist Mentor, but I don’t think I need it.
We appreciate it can be frustrating to be told you need something you feel is unnecessary. We do urge you to attend at least two or three of your sessions to see if you get anything of use out of them. If you are still unsure please do get in touch to discuss further.
If you still do not want these sessions, we will pause your support and check in periodically to see if your situation has changed.
What happens to my hours if I don’t use them?
Your DSA will award you a certain number of hours for each support role per academic year. If these hours are not used up, they do not roll over to the next academic year.
You also do not lose hours. If you get your DSA awarded / support set up later in the year, you will have the same number of hours to use had it been awarded / set up earlier.
Do I need to pay anything towards my support sessions?
No, you do not pay anything towards your non-medical help support. The DSA funding costs are also NOT included in any student loans you may have to pay back.
Helpful links for the University of Sussex

Helpful links for
your support

Amano-Sussex student homepage.