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Frequently Asked Questions
What are Timesheets?
Timesheets are the record our consultants (your support worker) use to keep track of how many hours of your DSA have been used. There will also be a summary of your session in these timesheets for you to check.
When and how do I sign my timesheets?
When your support worker submits a timesheet, you will be sent a link via email to click and sign. Please sign within 24 hours of receiving your timesheet. Our team will send out regular reminders if a timesheet remains unsigned.
Do I sign if I think the timesheet is wrong?
If you believe any of the details in the timesheet are wrong there is an option to decline. If you decline, you will be prompted to include a reason why. Please add as much detail as you can so we can chase up your support worker to find out what happened.
Do I sign if the session was cancelled by me with less than 24 hours’ notice?
If you cancelled a session with less than 24 hours’ notice you still need to sign the timesheet for the time missed.
Do I sign if the session was cancelled by my support worker?
If your support worker cancelled the session and then submitted a timesheet please decline the timesheet and let us know.
How many times can I cancel a session?
If you give more than 24 hours’ notice prior to a session, you can cancel as many times as you need. If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice more than twice a term your support worker may decide to stop providing support as they will not get paid for any further missed sessions.
I don’t want to continue with as many sessions / I need to pause support but don’t know how to tell my support worker?
You are entitled to pause and start your support as and when you need. You are not obligated to stick to an established schedule of sessions with your support worker.
If you do need to pause or skip several sessions in a row please get in touch with either us or your support worker directly.
General Queries
I’ve changed my contact details. Do I need to tell you?
Yes, please keep us informed of any changes to your email or phone number. Please be aware, we do not keep a note of your term-time address and you do not need to inform us if this changes.
My relative / guardian would like to be involved in arranging support, is this allowed?
We understand that arranging these sessions can become overwhelming, and that you may need additional support from a family member, friend or guardian. If this is something you would like to arrange, please send an email from your personal address saying ‘I give consent to share my information with…’ and add the name, email and contact number of the individual who will be helping you arrange your support.
I don’t want you to call me, why do you need my number?
We ask for a contact number as per our safeguarding and data protection policies. If you do not want us to call or text please let us know and we can make a note on our system.
I need more hours than I’ve been given, what do I do?
If you feel the hours awarded as part of your DSA are not enough, please go back to your needs assessment centre / funding body to discuss this further. If your funding comes from your university or education provider, you could approach the disability team to see if they can provide interim support – please note this is not always available.
My needs have changed / I have a new diagnosis, what do I do?
If you have any changes to your requirements, or need your support updating, please go back to your needs assessment centre with the relevant details and / or documents to discuss.
Support and hours queries
Can I change my support worker?
We have students change support workers for a variety of reasons, from schedules no longer matching to not having a good working connection. If you would like to change a support worker, please email us explaining who you want to change from and a brief description why.
I’ve been awarded a Specialist Study Skills tutor / Specialist Mentor, but I don’t think I need it.
We appreciate it can be frustrating to be told you need something you feel is unnecessary. We do urge you to attend at least two or three of your sessions to see if you get anything of use out of them. If you are still unsure please do get in touch to discuss further.
If you still do not want these sessions, we will pause your support and check in periodically to see if your situation has changed.
What happens to my hours if I don’t use them?
Your DSA will award you a certain number of hours for each support role per academic year. If these hours are not used in full, they do not roll over to the next academic year. They will renew each year you are studying that your DSA2 is valid.
Helpful links for the University of Bristol

Helpful links for
your support

This page is for existing students looking for help, if you are a new student you can visit the New Student page to get started with your support, or you can head back to the Amano-Bristol student homepage.